An Expert Discussion on Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Current and Future Personalized Management Approaches

Review expert insights on the latest developments in managing myelodysplastic syndromes with a focused commentary downloadable slides podcast and on-demand webcast from a live CCO symposium at ASH 2022.


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This activity is supported by independent educational grants from

Bristol Myers Squibb


Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Learning Objectives

  • Order appropriate assays or molecular tests to detect oncogenic gene fusions in patients with NSCLC and thyroid cancer
  • Appraise emerging clinical data supporting the use of TRK inhibition in NTRK fusion–positive NSCLC and thyroid cancer and RET inhibition in RET-altered lung and thyroid cancer
  • Formulate strategies for integrating TRK and RET inhibitors into practice that include patient discussions, adverse event monitoring and management, and methods to enroll qualified patients on clinical trials
  • Develop treatment strategies for patients with cancer who develop acquired resistance to first-generation TRK and RET inhibitor therapy

  • Manage treatment-related symptoms associated with the treatment of RET-altered or
    NTRK fusion–positive cancer

  • Refer eligible patients with NTRK fusion–positive and RET-altered NSCLC and thyroid cancer for ongoing clinical trials