ASCO 2024: Lung Cancer


Conference to Clinic: Expert Analysis of the Top Abstracts in Lung Cancer From the 2024 Oncology Meeting in Chicago

Physicians: Maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Released: August 23, 2024

Expiration: February 22, 2025


Course Completed


In this module, Zofia Piotrowska, MD, and Natasha Leighl, MD, MMSc, FRCPC, FASCO, discuss key findings in the management of lung cancer presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO 2024), including updates in unresectable, stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and advanced NSCLC with actionable genomic alterations as well as limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC).

The key points discussed in this module are illustrated with thumbnails from the accompanying downloadable PowerPoint slidesets, which can be downloaded by clicking any of the slide thumbnails in the module alongside the expert commentary.

Clinical Care Options plans to measure the educational impact of this activity. Some questions will be asked twice: once at the beginning of the activity and then once again after the discussion that informs the best choice. Your responses will be aggregated for analysis, and your specific responses will not be shared.

Before continuing with this educational activity, please take a moment to answer the following questions.

How many people with lung cancer do you provide care for in a typical month?

Which of the following findings was reported from the phase III ADRIATIC trial comparing durvalumab vs placebo as consolidation therapy in patients with LS-SCLC without progressive disease (PD) following standard-of-care concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT)?

How often do you currently test patients with unresectable stage IIIA-IIIC NSCLC for actionable EGFR mutations?

In the phase III PALOMA-3 study evaluating SC amivantamab vs IV amivantamab each combined with lazertinib in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 19 deletion (ex19del) or L858R mutations, which of the following finding was reported for SC amivantamab compared with IV amivantamab?