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SIDP Journal Club Series 2022: Role of Repeated Measures of Fungal Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis in the Critically Ill (BCIDP + ACPE Credit)


Pharmacists: 1.50 contact hours (0.15 CEUs)

Released: January 17, 2022

Expiration: January 17, 2023

No longer available for credit.


Additional Information

Program Medium

This program has been made available online.

A product of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Education Center (SIDPEC) 

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Activity Description

The purpose of this recurring activity is to review a recent infectious disease article and critically evaluate study rationale and design, results, strengths/limitations of the research, and applicability of findings to clinical practice. This activity will be repeated on a quarterly basis with a focus on a different journal article and/or study design each time.

An open-access journal article will be selected for the activity, and a step-by-step commentary created by the faculty will be made accessible to participants. Participants are invited to read the selected article, review the downloadable commentary prepared by the faculty (click here to view a sample from a previous journal club activity), and successfully complete an online assessment to claim continuing education and/or BCIDP recertification credit.

Learning Objectives

The target audience for this activity includes pharmacists and board-certified infectious diseases pharmacists (BCIDPs) seeking to update their knowledge and skills related to contemporary infectious diseases literature review. At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe study rationale and design as it relates to a recent infectious diseases journal article.
  • Summarize the statistical methods used by the investigators, including a rationale for the methods selected.
  • Assess study results to form a conclusion about primary and secondary outcomes.
  • Develop a patient care plan considering the strengths and limitations of the research and the clinical applicability of study findings.


Diari Gilliam, PharmD
PGY-2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Resident
University of New Mexico Hospital

Carla Walraven, PharmD, BCIDP
Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist
University of New Mexico Hospital

CE Accreditation

Release Date: January 17, 2022
ACPE Expiration Date: January 17, 2025
BCIDP Expiration Date: January 17, 2023


This activity is jointly provided by ProCE, LLC and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. ProCE is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. ACPE Universal Activity Number 0221-9999-22-029-H01-P has been assigned to this home study, application-based activity. This activity is approved for 1.5 contact hour (0.15 CEU) in states that recognize ACPE providers. Completion of the evaluation and the post-test with a score of 70% or higher are required to receive pharmacy CE credit. No partial credit will be given. Statements of completion will be issued online at, and proof of completion will be posted in NABP CPE Monitor profiles.


The Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) is accredited by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) as a provider of board certified infectious diseases pharmacist (BCIDP) credit. A BCIDP statement of credit will be issued online upon successful completion of a post-test and online evaluation. The post-test must be successfully completed in only one attempt. No partial credit will be given. BCIDP accreditation begins 1/17/2022 for this activity and is available for one year from this date.Recertification Criteria for Infectious Diseases Pharmacy: BCIDP recertifying via continuing education are required to earn 100 hours of continuing education credit provided by the joint program offered by the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP), American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) and/or the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Courses offered by any of the approved providers may only be completed for recertification credit up to two times, in nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle. Candidates should note that there are expiration dates associated with earning BPS recertification credit. BPS will only award recertification credit for modules based on the completion and submission date of the post-test assessment. For example, a module completed and submitted on October 20 of a particular year will only be credited for that year, even if the due date of the post-test is in January of the following year. View all recertification criteria on the BPS website at


It is the policy of ProCE to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its continuing education activities. Faculty must disclose to participants any significant financial interest or affiliation with companies that manufacture or market products discussed during their presentation. Diari Gilliam has no relevant financial and/or commercial relationships to disclose. Carla Walraven has received consulting fees from Shionogi, Inc.


This activity is provided by ProCE and SIDP.    

The material presented in this CE activity does not reflect the views of ProCE, LLC or the commercial sponsor. These materials may discuss uses and dosages for therapeutic products, processes, procedures and inferred diagnoses that have not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. A qualified health care professional should be consulted before using any therapeutic product discussed. All readers and continuing education participants should verify all information and data before treating patients or employing any therapies described in this continuing education activity.