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Rapid ART: How I Select Among Recommended Regimens

Clinical Thought
Several regimens are now recommended for rapid ART initiation. How do we choose the right regimen for each patient? Here’s my take.

Released: April 17, 2020

Expiration: April 16, 2021


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Provided by the USF Health
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Supported by an educational grant from

Janssen Therapeutics Division of Janssen Products

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH

Director, UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
Professor of Medicine and Associate Chief, Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine
Medical Director, “Ward 86” HIV Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
San Francisco, California

Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.