ProCE Banner Activity

Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Screening and Management Reference Guide


An easy-to-follow, step-by-step infographic for the screening and management of NVAF.

Released: April 13, 2022

Expiration: April 12, 2023



Stephanie Dwyer Kaluzna

Stephanie Dwyer Kaluzna, PharmD, BCCP

Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy
Cardiovascular Clinical Pharmacist
University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System
Chicago, Illinois

Kathleen A. Lusk

Kathleen A. Lusk, PharmD, BCPS, BCCP

Associate Professor
Vice Chair
Department of Pharmacy Practice
University of the incarnate Word Feik School of Pharmacy
San Antonio, Texas

Provided by

ProCE Banner


This activity is supported by an educational grant from Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer Alliance.

Bristol Myers Squibb

Pfizer Alliance

Faculty Disclosure

Stephanie Dwyer Kaluzna, PharmD, BCCP, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.

Kathleen A. Lusk, PharmD, BCPS, BCCP, has no relevant conflicts of interest to report.